In questa pagina trovi una raccolta delle recensioni sui nostri prodotti pubblicate sia da testate fisiche che da riviste online. On this page you will find a collection of reviews on our products published by both physical newspapers and online magazines. Frankie – Spain test report June 04/2024 Frankie Plus – Poland test report May 23/2024 Frankie EX test report Portugal January 25/2024 HiFi Review - Hong Kong (1558 downloads ) DAS MAGAZIN FÜR HIGH FIDELITY - Germany (1616 downloads ) HiFi Review #441 Hong Kong (338 downloads ) Music Emotions - Netherlands (2417 downloads ) Audiophile magazine France - June 2021 (3301 downloads ) Frankie Plus - Haute Fidelitè N° 248 (3313 downloads ) Yellow box review - Greece (3066 downloads ) Frankie - Recensione Fedeltà Del Suono Febbraio 2020 (3619 downloads )